About Me
Hi! I'm Sylvia, and I recently graduated from UC Berkeley studying Math & Computer Science with a minor in Electrical Engineering. I am now pursuing an MS in Electrical Engineering at Purdue University. In my free time, I like to tinker with electronics and try to resurrect devices that would otherwise end up in e-waste.
Recent Projects
A link to my project portfolio can be found here, with brief descriptions below:
This little programmable “bug” can travel in a straight line, go in circles, or follow a line! All packed in a 1” x 1.5” board, powered by a single 1.5V button-cell with the heart of an ATTiny1616 microcontroller. It reads from 2 reflectance sensors, controlling a motor driver hooked up to 2 tiny motors, acting as the “wheels” for this bug.
For our graduate algorithms class, we implemented the Laplace mechanism of differential privacy, which adds some noise (according to the Laplace distribution) to any queries you make to your database. The purpose is to allow collection of aggregate statistics from databases, but NOT allow information that de-anonymizes any individual. Mathematically, it means that removal of any one input record from any possible input dataset changes the probability the randomized computation produces any possible output by at most a factor of exp(ε).
Below, we used this on a real dataset (UCI’s dataset of adults’ ages) with varying values of ε. The blue samples are real data, while the orange overlay shows the differentially-private results. As shown, using smaller ε increases privacy but gives less accurate results.
Personal Wiki
Link to my notes on a range of technical topics.
Current Goals
Pass FE Electrical exam(Passed Aug 2023)Pass 609 certification(Passed Sept 2024)- Pass PE Electrical/Computer exam
- Pass ASE A4 (Suspension/Steering), A5 (Brakes), A6 (Electrical) exams
- Build an antenna/RF filter
- Pass National Home Inspector Exam
- Pass ASE A1-A8 exams
- A1: Engine Repair
- A2: Automatic Transmission
- A3: Manual Drivetrain/Axles
- A7: Heating and AC
- A8: Engine Performance
- Pass FE Mechanical exam
- Pass PE Mechanical exam
- Learn to TIG weld
Teaching demo
Video walkthrough of modular arithmetic problems, made for Summer 2021 iteration of CS 70 (Discrete Math and Probability) at UC Berkeley.